Barry is 9 years old

Barry is 9 years old
5 months ago
Barry is 9 years old!🎉

Over these 9 years, we have managed to help and make life easier for thousands of people by giving them high-quality and useful accessories.

✔ Delivery of our products to a number of hospitals to ensure patient comfort during treatment

✔ Collaborate with various non-governmental organizations and charitable companies.

✔ Cooperate with the state and provide people with a number of mobility and other products for free through certificates.

✔ Open 6 branches in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

✔ Bring the Armenian business to the international market and open 3 stores in Georgia.

We are sure that every working day is aimed at improving the quality, in which you, our dear customers, help us, for which we are grateful to you.

On the occasion of the 7th anniversary, 29․10-02.11.24 there is a 9% DISCOUNT on the entire range 🤩